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Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
4/8/2007  6:01:00 PM
"If you read back any where you will find everything I have ever written is from a technique book usually giving the page number"

And almost always grossly misinterpreted and applied to a situation with critical differences from the one about which it was written!

"I also tell a person where on this site they can find exactly what they want and how to get there."

And then ignore it when they point out how what you are referring to isn't in fact there - and how things you claim to be unable to see are in fact right there, plain as day, in the very reference you cited!!

"Having found that we must stay upright then we might ask ourselves how do we move from one position to the other and stay verical."

Good, but don't make the mistake of confusing staying vertical with keeping your weight balanced over your standing foot. The first is desribable and not hard to achieve, but the second makes smooth movement IMPOSSIBLE. Smooth movement requires PROJECTING the body weight BEYOND THE STANDING FOOT, WHILE KEEPING THE TORSO VERTICALLY ALIGNED.

Until you figure that out, you have no right to instruct anyone in anything!
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Quickstep
4/8/2007  7:34:00 PM
See what I mean . No reference . No page numbers. No DVD . No tape to look at Just a shadow moving on water, no substance nothing that can be call constructive. Just ego tripping.If anybody cares to look at paragraph four which says there is no reference point and then goes on to say In the reference you cited. If the exact words are quoted with the page number also what else can one do. But I am dealing with an imbicile here.
One year ago one of our lady writters called you with a few other words a moron and said they would no longer dicuss anything with you. I will join her Good night and goodbye.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
4/8/2007  8:03:00 PM
"said they would no longer dicuss anything with you. I will join her Good night and goodbye."

I wonder if that decision apply to your other aliases, or only to the "Quickstep" one
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by JB_Locke
4/8/2007  11:07:00 PM

Is there any way to create a sub-forum called "Tech Talk" or the like? Let them hash out any discussions and/or debates they have in that area.

It "seems" to me they are both intelligent individuals who might comply with requests to immediately move any discussions of this nature to another area.

I, for one, hardly post in this forum, but I read it several times a week. And I must admit I agree that the initial topic gets lost and thrown WAY off, thus newcomers get discouraged from posting.

Yes, it might move some pertinent information and/or contribution to another area. But, once the parties either A) agree to disagree or B) come to a resolution, they can cut/copy/paste the chosen answer in the original poster's thread.

Just my two cents.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by Anonymous
4/9/2007  5:18:00 AM
"Is there any way to create a sub-forum called "Tech Talk" or the like? Let them hash out any discussions and/or debates they have in that area.

It "seems" to me they are both intelligent individuals who might comply with requests to immediately move any discussions of this nature to another area.

I, for one, hardly post in this forum, but I read it several times a week. And I must admit I agree that the initial topic gets lost and thrown WAY off, thus newcomers get discouraged from posting.

There was a time when I might have believed that would work. Unforutnatley, experience has shown that the Quickstep/Don/Pimpernel/etc character is really immune to logic.

I think a far better solution would be to change the message boad layout to one which makes it easier to view long threads. The current software puts far too much emphasis on the most recent post, which is part of why contributions from less prolific posters get so easily lost.
Re: How Horrendous
Posted by UnHorrendous
4/9/2007  6:03:00 PM
I suppose it is a Message Board and not a discussion on technique and the like. Apart from questions like i am six years old and have been dancing for three years how long before i can become a professional. A bit far fetched but the message is there. That type of question , if they were all like that , would see the Message Board fade away. And then we get sometimes a direct question on how should this or that be done. If the answer was always go to the Learning Centre your answer is there or buy a book. Would a message board survive with answers to questions like that. How would answers like that keep people interested. As it is at the moment it is as good as Days of our Lives. Just my thoughts.
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